National Swedish Viking Festival

The National Swedish Viking Festival, or NSVF, formerly known as the National Swedish Viking Fair, is an annual event in which vikings from all over the world assemble in the beautiful town of Bjuv, Sweden, to celebrate their love for viking culture and lore.

Normally, the event takes place on May 22nd at the Bjuv Skatepark in Bjuv, Sweden. Visitors are required to come dressed in historically accurate viking costumes.

This year, the events include:

  • Original viking poetry reading by renowned viking poets Signe Heidenstam, Gyrid Richardsson, and Bengt Holgersson, as well as attendees
  • Reenactment of the Battle of Glenn Máma by attendees
  • Norse mythology reading by retired professor of Classics Stig Söderberg and other attendees
  • Soap and wood carving lessons by our founder Erik Njorl and professional self-employed carver Ingemar Fredholm
  • Catering and refreshments provided by our very own Fardhe Järnefelt, head of overseas department and catering at Daily Viking Images

Signups for the National Swedish Viking Festival of 2021 over website have currently ended. For special consideration for entrance to the National Swedish Viking Festival, please send a brief email to before May 1st, 2021.

Overseas travelers should request the assistance of Fardhe Järnefelt to obtain a nice hotel and recommendations for fine dining in the Bjuv area. European travelers are recommended to contact Evert Torvalds or Erik Njorl at the same email with any questions about staying in the exotic land of Bjuv.

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