Meet The Team

Erik Njorl, Founder

Erik Njorl founded Daily Viking Images in 2018. As the founder, he has official signoff on all daily email correspondence and images. He has always loved vikings. He is passionate about their strength, courage, and perseverance in the face of certain death. Every year Erik organizes the National Swedish Viking Festival, formerly known as the National Swedish Viking Fair, in his hometown of Bjuv, Sweden. In his free time, Erik enjoys various viking activities. He carves vikings out of wood and soap and gives these mystical projects to his friends and family. Erik Njorl previously worked as a cash register attendant at IKEA before leaving to pursue his viking passion.

Evert Torvalds, Head of Email Sending

Evert Torvalds joined Daily Viking Images in 2019. His favorite Norse God is Heimdall and his favorite viking battle is the Battle of Assandun. Though Erik signs off on all official emails, including every daily email and image, Evert is the primary supplier of email replies. Evert enjoys sending email replies to the many subscribers of Daily Viking Images.

Nils Palmstruch, Web Designer

Nils Palmstruch joined Daily Viking Images in 2020. He has a strong passion for everything related to the web. He moderates multiple viking subreddits, runs his own viking YouTube channel, and has his own viking film production company. In his spare time, he creates handmade, historically accurate viking costumes to be sold at the National Swedish Viking Festival, formerly known as the National Swedish Viking Fair.

Fingal Lindbergh, Head of Marketing and Media

Fingal Lindbergh is head of marketing and media for Daily Viking Images. He graduated from a prestigious American college. Fingal searches the extensive viking archives to find the perfect viking images every day. He also finds images for our subscribers who request images adapted to their specific viking needs. He lives outside Klippan with his wife and three children: Ervin, Engevald, and Jeref.

Fardhe Järnefelt, Head of Overseas Department and Catering

Fardhe speaks multiple languages, including French, Dutch, Danish, and Mandarin Chinese. He no longer speaks Korean. He is a fine cook and enjoys making elaborate dishes from other nations. He is the primary translator and food provider for the Daily Viking Images team.

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